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Executive Consulting

ash remediation

Development of Market Changing Ash Beneficiation Process

The GG Ventures of the Carolinas team has extensive experience in the development and deployment of ash remediation and beneficiation products and strategies for projects. We have helped companies develop large programs to remediate ponded and impounded ash for recycle. This service helps to facilitate plant closures where desired and can lead to brown field development of a site or allow for continued operation of a plant facility in cases where ash ponds are no longer permitted or have reached capacity to operate. We are currently working with a client on several such strategies.

port infrastructure development

Port Infrastructure and Development

Our team has an abundance of experience within the port and maritime space providing clients and investment partners everywhere from strategic planning to the development of assets that are connected to port and supply chain infrastructure. We actively seek and connect our partners to real estate facilities, investment opportunities, commercial planning and future expansion opportunities. Our experience stems from container shipping, LTL, general cargo, energy (e.g., LNG) and bulk handling operations.


Connect with our team today to see how we can help you. 

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