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Advanced Modular Power Systems

Origination and Development:  Advanced Modular Power Systems

GG Ventures of the Carolinas led the formation of Advanced Modular Power Systems, LLC (AMPS), a new company designed to present alternative power supply sources, from concept inception to established operations in just under 12 months. The scope of this project included full company set-up, patent application for the AMPS concept, and initial design. The team also led all contracting, testing and shipping of the first prototype unit.


In year two, the team’s focus has shifted to company growth. World class tools have been developed and implemented to allow sales and engineering to create pricing models and solutions, almost real time, to support all the verticals in industry where the AMPS unit is a good match. These include ESPs in remote locations, peak shaving support, conventional ESS and BESS applications along with several other power quality related deployment options, and integration with renewables. A five-year strategic plan has been implemented and a world-renowned Board of Directors and leadership team has been assembled.

oil pump, alternative energy generator

First Unit Development

From project conception to tested prototype, GGV has led and managed the daily activities to bring this design to reality in an 18-month development cycle. AMPS is the sole license holder of three innovative battery and energy management patents that combined with the AMPS power quality solution creates an integrated product, that is not a UPS, but a Micro-Grid waiting for a load. These modular AMPS units are factory assembled, wired, programmed, tested, and delivered as an integrated package (not a project), which allows for reduced field installation time and makes the AMPS unit almost plug and play.


The initial AMPS unit began operating in Oman in July 2022.

For more information on the evolution of applications for these AMPS units, please visit: or AMPS LinkedIn

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